Dr.-Ing Matthias Fey receives GI Dissertation Award 2023
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Dr.-Ing Matthias Fey receives the GI Dissertation Award 2023, endowed with 5,000 euros, which is awarded by the Gesellschaft für Informatik together with the Swiss Informatics Society (SI) and the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) for outstanding doctoral theses. Dr.-Ing Matthias Fey completed his dissertation in the research group of Priv-Doz. Dr. Frank Weichert at the Faculty of Computer Science at the TU Dortmund University. The dissertation is part of the highly topical research field of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), which uses machine learning methods to identify suitable representations for graphs and optimize them for learning tasks. A unique feature of the work is that theory and practical implementation are on equal footing at the highest level. The official award ceremony will take place at the INFORMATIK 2023 conference in Berlin on September 28, 2023. Further information can be found at: https: //informatik2023.gi.de/