Laboratory of the future: AI goes on vacation
- News

Are you interested in artificial intelligence and machine learning? Would you like to find out how your cell phone can recognize you and what goes on in the "heads" of robots? Do you also enjoy solving tricky tasks? Then you've come to the right place!
On three mornings during the vacations, we will explore the world of artificial intelligence and machine learning together, playfully apply methods ourselves, program robots and gain insights into real robotics applications.
16.07.2024 - 18.07.2024
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer Straße 25
3rd floor
44225 Dortmund
The event is aimed at interested students in 5th to 7th grade.
Participation requirements
Registration for the event is mandatory. The group size is limited to 10 people so that we can actively work on content together.
And now?
Well, what are you waiting for? Register here.
Important additional information
- Please bring something to eat and drink for the breakfast break!
- In order to be able to take pictures of the event and publish them later, we need written permission from you and your parents. Please remember to bring the completed photo release form with you on the first day of the event or send it by email to vanessa.fabertu-dortmundde at least one day before the event begins.
- Your parents are responsible for bringing you safely to and from the event.