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Examination Board Business Informatics

The Examination Board is responsible for the Information Systems degree programs. Its tasks include compliance with the examination regulations, the proper conduct of examinations and the processing of appeals in the examination procedure. The Master's Admissions Committee decides on the admission of applicants to the Master's degree programs of the Department of Computer Science and handles appeals in connection with the admission procedure.

Recognition under the following email: anerkennungen.wics.tu-dortmundde

Pleasesend inquiries to the Examination Board by email: pruef-vorsitz.wics.tu-dortmundde


Chair Deputy Chair

Group of professors

Group of professors (representatives)

Group of scientific employees

Group of academic staff (representatives)

Group of students

Group of students (representatives)

Lara Timmermann, lara.timmermanntu-dortmundde

Lukasz Kilichowski, lukasz.kilichowskitu-dortmundde