Quality Improvement Commission (QUEST)
QV funds from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia to finance the quality of teaching, must be used for the purpose of improving the quality of study and teaching. The Department of Computer Science has therefore set up a Quality Improvement Commission (QUEST), which is staffed by a majority of students and decides twice a year on proposals for the use of the funds.
Vice Chairman
Cedric Greiten Cedric.Greitentu-dortmundde
Group of professors
Group of professors (representatives)
Group of scientific employees
Group of scientific employees (representatives)
Students group
Cedric Greiten cedric.greitentu-dortmundde
Robin Stecher robin.stechertu-dortmundde
Dominik Riemer dominik.riemertu-dortmundde
Jan Zumbrink jan.zumbrinktu-dortmundde
Noel Ide noel.idetu-dortmundde
Student group (representatives)
Alexandra Cloodt alexandra.cloodttu-dortmundde
Michael Vogt michael.vogttu-dortmundde
Niklas Schrötler niklas.schroetlertu-dortmundde