Best Paper Awards at SISAP and LWDA
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For improving Sketch-based similarity search in high-dimensional data, both the "best student paper award" and the "best paper award" at the 16th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications, SISAP in A Coruña.
- Erik Thordsen and Erich Schubert. An Alternating Optimization Scheme for Binary Sketches for Cosine Similarity Search. Int. Conf. Similarity Search and Applications, SISAP. 2023. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-46994-7_4. to appear.
The paper is also invited to be submitted as a long version to a Special Issue of the Journal Information Systems (IS).
Accelerating nearest-neighbor-consistent k-means clustering received the "best paper award" from the GI Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, and Machine Learning (KDML) Division at "Learning, Knowledge, Data, Analytics" (LWDA).
- Lars Lenssen, Niklas Strahmann and Erich Schubert. Fast k-Nearest-Neighbor-Consistent Clustering. Learning, knowledge, data, analytics. 2023. to appear.
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