State of NRW secures the future of the Research Alliance Ruhr: 48 million euros annually for cutting-edge research
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The state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia has approved permanent funding for the Research Alliance Ruhr in the 2025 budget. From next year, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, TU Dortmund University and the University of Duisburg-Essen will each receive 16 million euros annually to further expand their cooperation in the Research Alliance Ruhr. This means that a total of 48 million euros per year will be available for the four cross-university research centers and the College for Social Sciences and Humanities.
The Research Alliance Ruhr was founded in 2022 under the umbrella of the University Alliance Ruhr and is dedicated to cutting-edge international research. It addresses pressing future issues such as health and the environment, sustainable chemistry, new energy systems and data security. These include the Research Center One Health Ruhr, the Research Center Chemical Sciences and Sustainability, the Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security and the Research Center Future Energy Materials and Systems. The College for Social Sciences and Humanities promotes international scientific exchange across disciplines.
Ina Brandes, NRW Minister for Culture and Science, praised the Research Alliance Ruhr as a role model for the German science system: "The University Alliance Ruhr makes a valuable contribution to NRW as a science location and has appeal far beyond Germany." The rectors of the three universities also welcomed the decision as a decisive step towards securing excellent research in the Ruhr region in the long term.
Since the Alliance was founded, 27 top scientists have already opted for a career in the region. In total, more than 50 new professorships will be created to further strengthen the international visibility and scientific excellence of the University Alliance Ruhr.
The Research Alliance Ruhr emerged from an ideas competition at the Ruhr Conference 2019. The state government supported the start-up phase from 2022 to 2024 with around 75 million euros. With the funding now secured, research in the region can be sustainably developed further.