Dortmund University Days
Every January, the Dortmund University Days take place as part of the "Weeks of Study Orientation in North Rhine-Westphalia", in which the following Dortmund universities participate:
- Dortmund University of Technology (TU)
- Dortmund University of Applied Sciences (FH)
- University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration (FHöV)
- International School of Management (ISM)
- IT Center Dortmund (ITC)
- University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management (FOM)

The event and counseling program of the universities will be complemented by information booths of the Studentenwerk, the Dortmund Employment Agency and
The complete program can be found on the website of the city of Dortmund.
Further Information
Current information on the TU Dortmund University program can be found on the TU Dortmund University website.