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Discontinuation regulations for the application subject "Service Information Systems" for the Bachelor's degree program in Applied Computer Science

The discontinuation regulations refer to the service informatics application subject, which can no longer be selected, and also regulate the change to the enterprise computing application subject.


Discontinuation and last choice of the application subject Service Information Systems

(1) The service informatics application subject of the bachelor's degree program in applied computer science can be selected for the last time in the summer semester of 2022.

(2) After the end of the summer semester 2025, students who have chosen the application subject Service Informatics will continue their studies with the application subject Enterprise Computing. This change of the application subject does not count as a change of the application subject according to § 7 paragraph 3 BPO AngInf. Failed attempts will be credited.


Change to the application subject Enterprise Computing

(3) Students who have chosen the application subject Service Computing before the winter semester 2022/23 can change to the application subject Enterprise Computing upon application to the examination board. This change does not count as a change of the application subject according to § 7 paragraph 3 BPO AngInf. The application is irrevocable, failed attempts will be credited.

(4) Students according to paragraphs 2 and 3 can also obtain the credit points of the compulsory catalog Enterprise Computing according to paragraph 3 AF EC B in the application subject Enterprise Computing through the following modules, if the corresponding module has been successfully completed before the change.


Module examination

ECTS points

Business Information Systems DLI


5 LP

Fundamentals of Data Science DLI


5 LP

Databases in Practice DLI


5 LP

Web Technologies 1 (WT1)


4 LP

Web Technologies 2 (WT2)


4 LP

If a module is credited for a module according to paragraph 3 AF EC B, the choice of the module with the same name under Annex 1 paragraph 3 point c BPO AngInf and paragraph 6 is excluded, as well as the choice of a module whose title differs only by the addition "DLI" or "EC".

(5) Students according to paragraph 2 and 3 can also obtain the credit points of the compulsory module "Modelling of Concurrent Processes" according to paragraph 3 AF EC B in the application subject Enterprise Computing by the following module, if the module has been successfully completed before the change.


Module examination

ECTS points

Electronic Business Processes


5 LP

If a module is credited for a module according to paragraph 3 AF EC B, the choice of the module with the same name under Annex 1 paragraph 3 point c BPO AngInf and paragraph 6 is excluded, as well as the choice of a module whose title differs only by the addition "DLI" or "EC".

(6) Students according to paragraph 2 or 3 may also acquire the credit points according to paragraph 4 AF EC B through the following modules, if the corresponding modules have been successfully completed before the change.


Module examination

ECTS points

Business Information Systems DLI


4 LP

Operational Information Systems


4 LP

Databases in Practice DLI


4 LP

Databases in Practice


4 LP

Fundamentals of Data Science DLI


4 LP

Fundamentals of Data Science


4 LP

Databases in Practice DLI graded 4 LP
Databases in Practice graded 4 LP
Web Technologies 1 (WT1) graded 4 LP
Web Technologies 2 (WT2) graded 4 LP
Current topics in service informatics graded 4 LP
Security: Issues and Solutions graded 4 LP
Introduction to Computational Intelligence graded 4 LP
Software Engineering for Long-Lived Systems graded 4 LP
Introduction to Data Visualization graded 4 LP

The choice of a module with the same name under paragraph 4 AF EC B or Appendix A paragraph 3 point c BPO AngInf is excluded, as is the choice of a module whose title differs only by the addition "DLI" or "EC".

(7) Students according to paragraph 2 or 3 may also acquire the credit points according to paragraph 5 AF EC B by modules according to paragraph 10 of the Regulations for the Application Subject Service Information Systems in the version of 11.12.2019, if the corresponding modules have been successfully completed before the change and before the deadline specified therein.

(8) Modules with the same name can only be credited once each towards the Bachelor's examination. This also applies to modules with the same name that differ only by the addition of "DLI" or "EC".

(9) The examination board is authorized to decide on further recognitions.