Teacher training master's program high schools and comprehensive schools Subject computer science
You can study Computer Science at the Technische Universität Dortmund as a teaching subject for the teaching profession at grammar schools and comprehensive schools and for the teaching profession at vocational colleges. As a student teacher, you will take part in the same courses in Computer Science (except for the subject didactics) as students of the Bachelor's programs in Computer Science and Applied Computer Science and thus receive a high-quality professional education.
The completion of this master's program is equivalent to the first state examination and enables you to be employed in the preparatory service (Referendariat). The prerequisite for enrollment is the successful completion of the teaching bachelor's program.
The master's degree program in teaching is a full-time and attendance-based program with a standard period of study of four semesters (two years) and is completed with the degree of Master of Education (M.Ed.).
Below is a sample study plan with its different modules. You can find more study plans here.
A detailed description of the individual modules as well as your examination regulations can be found here.

Structure of the subject Computer Science for the teaching profession at grammar schools and comprehensive schools (Master)
The courses you have attended in the subject Computer Science of the Bachelor's program and will attend in this Master's program prepare you for teaching, among other things, in the context of the Central Baccalaureate of North Rhine-Westphalia, but especially in the Master's program they leave many possibilities for broadening and deepening your knowledge.
In the elective and optional courses you can broaden and deepen your knowledge according to your preferences.
Computer Science in Context addresses the impact of computer science on people's private and professional lives.
As a central system of computer science, you will now learn about information systems (databases) after computer networks and distributed systems. If you have not already taken operating systems in the Bachelor's program, you are advised to choose the course in this Master's program.
Finally, the courses on subject didactics prepare you for your role as a computer science teacher at a Gymnasium or a Gesamtschule.
In the practical semester, the second or third Master's semester, you will shift your place of learning from the university to a school and a Center for Practical Teacher Training (ZfsL) for all but one "university day". Enrollment in the winter and summer semesters, as well as the option of completing the practical semester in the second or third semester, results in a variety of study plans. The practical phase is prepared by the subject didactics and the educational sciences and supervised together with the centers for practical teacher training (ZfsL) and schools.
Computer science as a school subject
Computer science is a general subject in all types of schools. At vocational colleges, computer science is also part of the professional knowledge taught. The unique features of computer science include the formal handling of data and information - comparable to the formula system of physics for forces and energy - as well as the analysis of problems, solutions and their efficiency.
An important question in computer science is which problems can be solved automatically and, if so, how efficiently. At the same time, computer science also offers students the opportunity to practically test their ideas by designing, programming, and evaluating computer programs.
"Computational thinking is a fundamental skill for everyone, not just for computer scientists. To reading, writing, and arithmetic, we should add computational thinking to every child's analytical ability." (Jeanette M. Wing)