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In the course of a computer science degree program, you must participate in various internships. These internships are the internships on data structures, algorithms and programming 1 and 2, the software internship (SoPra) and the hardware internship (HaPra). When you have to participate in which internship can also be found in the study plans.

Internships for Data Structures, Algorithms and Programming 1 and 2

As part of the courses Data Structures, Algorithms and Programming 1 and 2, which you should attend in the first and second semester of the Bachelor's programs, respectively, you must complete a programming internship in each case.

For current information on registration, implementation and contents, please refer to the announcements of the respective organizers. Usually it is sufficient to go to the first lecture hour to register for the practical course.

Software Internship

The software internship (SoPra) continues the content of the module "Software Technology (SWT)", in which you can participate from the second semester of the Bachelor's programs. Software internships take place every winter semester and after the summer and winter semesters.

Current information on registration, implementation and contents can be found on the software internship pages.

Hardware practical course

The hardware practical course (HaPra) is attended by students of the Bachelor's program in Computer Science as well as in the Master's program for the teaching profession at vocational colleges (not Applied Computer Science and Bachelor's teaching profession). It follows the lecture Computer Structures, which you should attend in the first semester (or second semester if starting in the summer semester or in the third semester of a bachelor's teaching degree program). Hardware labs are held every semester.

Current information on registration, implementation and contents can be found on the pages of the Chair of Computer Engineering and Embedded Systems

Didactic internships of the teacher training programs

Information on internships in the teacher training programs can be found in the linked curricula as well as on the pages of the Dortmunder Kompetenzzentrum für Lehrerbildung und Lehr-/Lernforschung (DoKoLL).

Module descriptions

Below you will find the descriptions of the relevant computer science modules with pratica:

Internships in minor and applied subjects

Internships may also be required in minor and applied subjects. Please refer to the curricula and the notes on minor and applied subjects for information on this.