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Orientation offers

Taster university for schoolgirls

Are you still thinking about what you want to do after leaving school? Would you like to know how a degree course actually works? Are you wondering whether studying computer science could be interesting for you?

Take part in the 26th taster university for schoolgirls at the Department of Computer Science!

  • You will get to know the university together with computer science students
  • You will find out what everyday life is like for students
  • You will meet computer scientists who will show and explain their work to you

Date: Fall vacations; in the period 21-25.10.2024 on probably 3 days

Location: TU Dortmund University, Department of Computer Science, Otto-Hahn-Str. 14, 44227 Dortmund

Participation: Students* from grade 9 onwards

We will inform you in our newsletter as soon as the program for the taster university has been published and you can register for the event. You can enter your e-mail address here: to the newsletter

You can register for the taster university from 20.08.2024.


Contact us

Luise Henkel

0231 755-8181
