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Support during studies

Competence program

The competence program is an offer at the Department of Computer Science that allows you to expand your skills beyond your studies.

The event series "WriteUp: Schreiben mit System" is aimed at students of the Department of Computer Science who are writing a seminar paper, project or thesis.

  • In this event, tips on various focal points are provided in several sessions and tools are shown that make writing seminar papers and theses easier. An ideal mix of theory and practice.
  • After a short presentation, participants will have the opportunity to clarify their own questions and exchange ideas with other students.
  • Registration: see below (via the LSF, also possible for several dates)

Our topics and dates:

  • Writing impulse - getting into writing (Dr. Claudia Sassen, Center for Higher Education - | 15.11.2024 | 12:15 - 13:45 | Otto-Hahn-Str. 14 | LSF registration
  • ChatGPT - Opportunities and Risks (Prof. Dr. Christian Janiesch, Chair of Enterprise Computing, Department of Computer Science) | 04.12.2024 | 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. | Otto-Hahn-Str. 14 | LSF-Registration
  • Citavi and LaTeX (Team University Library) | 08.01.2025 | 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. | Otto-Hahn-Str. 14 | LSF-Registration
  • Procrastination. Understanding and changing procrastination behavior (Dipl.-Psych. Ellen Wiese, Psychological Student Counseling) | 19.02.2025 |14:15 - 15:45 | Otto-Hahn-Str. 14 | LSF-Registration
  • Literature research for computer science (Dr. Lukas Lerche, University Library, academic supervision of the subject computer science) | 12.03.2025 | 14:15 - 15:45 | Otto-Hahn-Str. 14 | LSF-Registration
  • Dynamic and interactive presentations in the web browser (Sebastian Hauer M.Sc., Chair of Computer Graphics, Department of Computer Science) | 26.03.2025 | 10:15 - 11:45 | Otto-Hahn-Str. 14 | LSF-Registration

You will learn how to structure a presentation, use your voice in a targeted manner and present yourself confidently with body language. Practical exercises allow you to try out the techniques directly and improve your presentation skills step by step.

Date: Friday, 11.04.2025, 10 am - 3 pm (incl. breaks)
Location: Otto-Hahn-Str. 14, E04
Registration: LSF

Online lecture: Well organized through the semester
You will learn about time management tools and simple strategies that you can use to organize yourself efficiently during your studies.
Date: Friday, 25.04.2024, 14-15 h
Location: Zoom (dial-in link will be sent by email after LSF registration)
Registration: LSF

Workshop series: Leading groups and managing group processes
You will learn how to lead groups effectively both at university and outside. The event offers you a varied mix of exchange and input. You decide which topics and questions are dealt with in the event.
Dates: Tuesdays, 15.04., 13.05., 10.06., 08.07.2025, each 12-14 h
Location: Otto-Hahn-Str. 14, Room E05
Registration: LSF

Individual coaching: Professional/career planning
In individual coaching, you can clarify or further develop your professional ideas and aspirations. For example, you can check which career goals are a good match for your strengths or which experiences from your studies and/or part-time job will help you with your career planning.
Dates: by arrangement
Location: Zoom
Registration: sandra.lenztu-dortmundde

Participation in the events is voluntary, free of charge and aimed at computer science students of all semesters.

Further offers (exam preparation, self-organization, scientific writing, etc.) are regularly updated here for computer science students: Moodle (self-enrollment)

The competence program is offered by the Computer Science study team.
