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We introduce ourselves!

Pioneering spirit meets practical application: Experience the fascination of computer science at our department.

Department of Computer Science at TU Dortmund University

The Department of Computer Science  in Dortmund was one of the first university computer science institutions in Germany. Today, it is one of the largest computer science departments nationwide and thus offers a specialized spectrum of computer science that only a few locations in Germany can boast.

In all computer science degree programs, the department educates students on the current state of the art in theory and practice, preparing them for an exciting professional life in a rapidly evolving discipline. In addition to practical training through internships, specialized projects and project groups, the department places great emphasis on intensive personal support in theoretical courses through tutorials, help desks and small practice groups.

The proximity to the Technology Center also offers opportunities for research collaborations, internships or career entry.

News of the Department


Educational standards: New recommendation for computer science lessons

New educational standards for computer science lessons: GI recommendations set benchmarks for lower secondary level.
Mädchen sitzt lachend vor einem Laptop

Induction week for first semester students (31.03. to 04.04.25)

Register now: During the introductory week (O-Phase), experienced computer science students explain how the course works and what you need to bear in…
Zwei Studenten sitzen auf einer Wiese / Schmuckbild

Register now: Start of preliminary courses for first semester students

The preliminary courses in Computer Science & Mathematics start on 10.03.2025.

Berkeley professor talks about the sentience of AI

The lecture by Prof. Edward A. Lee was devoted to the question of whether machines could one day become sentient beings.

Award for Dr. Magdalena Wischnewski and Dr.-Ing. Alexander Puzicha from the TU Dortmund University Young Academy

Dr. Magdalena Wischnewski and Dr.-Ing. Alexander Puzicha from the Department of Computer Science receive funding from the TU Dortmund University Young…

TU team determines the susceptibility of AI voting aids to errors

Before the general election, the researchers show how much the answers from the AI tools differ from the party manifestos.

UA Ruhr Distinguished Lecture Series: Trustworthy AI

On February 20, 2025, Prof. Edward Lee will give a lecture on the sentience of embodied AI.
Das Foto zeigt Edward Lee

Writing week from February 24 to 28, 2025

The writing week offers important tips and individual support for the preparation of seminar papers and theses.
Plakat Schreibwoche