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Faculty of Informatics

Archive events and news


Educational standards: New recommendation for computer science lessons

New educational standards for computer science lessons: GI recommendations set benchmarks for lower secondary level.
Mädchen sitzt lachend vor einem Laptop

Induction week for first semester students (31.03. to 04.04.25)

Register now: During the introductory week (O-Phase), experienced computer science students explain how the course works and what you need to bear in…
Zwei Studenten sitzen auf einer Wiese / Schmuckbild

Register now: Start of preliminary courses for first semester students

The preliminary courses in Computer Science & Mathematics start on 10.03.2025.

Berkeley professor talks about the sentience of AI

The lecture by Prof. Edward A. Lee was devoted to the question of whether machines could one day become sentient beings.

Award for Dr. Magdalena Wischnewski and Dr.-Ing. Alexander Puzicha from the TU Dortmund University Young Academy

Dr. Magdalena Wischnewski and Dr.-Ing. Alexander Puzicha from the Department of Computer Science receive funding from the TU Dortmund University Young…

TU team determines the susceptibility of AI voting aids to errors

Before the general election, the researchers show how much the answers from the AI tools differ from the party manifestos.

UA Ruhr Distinguished Lecture Series: Trustworthy AI

On February 20, 2025, Prof. Edward Lee will give a lecture on the sentience of embodied AI.
Das Foto zeigt Edward Lee

Writing week from February 24 to 28, 2025

The writing week offers important tips and individual support for the preparation of seminar papers and theses.
Plakat Schreibwoche

"Sustainability Award of the Department of Computer Science" presented for the first time

The Sustainability Award initiated by the Sustainability Commission was presented for the first time at the Informatics Alumni Day on 24.1.25.
Das Foto zeigt alle Preisträger:innen und Herrn Decker, den Vorsitzenden des Alumnivereins.

Successful inaugural lecture by Prof. Dr. Sebastian Peitz

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Peitz gave his inaugural lecture at the Department of Computer Science in front of a large audience.

Registration for the specialist projects and proseminars in the summer semester 2025

From Monday, January 20, up to January 26, the online registration procedure for the specialist projects and proseminars will take place.

Department of Computer Science welcomes Prof. Sebastian Peitz

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Peitz presents approaches to controlling safe autonomous systems in his inaugural lecture.
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Peitz

IT Sustainability (Lecture series on computer science and sustainability)

As part of the lecture series on computer science and sustainability, a lecture will take place on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 4:30 pm.
das Bild zeigt einen gemalten, grünen Stromstecker und ein Blatt

Dortmund University Days 2025

As part of the Dortmund University Days, the Department of Computer Science will open its doors to interested students on January 15 and 16, 2025.

100 days TU Dortmund University - 100 days computer science

Information events for first semester students of the Department of Computer Science.

State of NRW secures the future of the Research Alliance Ruhr: 48 million euros annually for cutting-edge research

NRW will fund the Research Alliance Ruhr permanently from 2025. 48 million euros annually for cutting-edge international research.

Department of Computer Science wins Outstanding Paper Award of IEEE RTSS 2024

Research group from Chair 12 of the Department of Computer Science received Outstanding Paper Award at the prestigious RTSS 2024 in York.

Sustainable networks (Lecture series on computer science and sustainability)

As part of the lecture series on computer science and sustainability, a lecture will take place on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, 4:15 pm.

Double success for the Department of Computer Science: two teaching awards won

The Department of Computer Science was delighted to receive two awards at this year's TU Dortmund University Teaching Awards.

Christmas & company vacations TU Dortmund University

The dean's office will be closed from Monday, 23.12.2024 - incl. Friday, 03.01.2025. We will be back for you on 06.01.2025.
Auf dem Bild sieht man einen Weihnachtskalender aus Tüten

Tutors wanted for teaching in summer semester 25

Für die Lehre im Sommersemester 2025 werden Tutor:innen gesucht. Das Bewerbungsverfahren ist ab sofort eröffnet. Bewerbungsschluss ist der 10.01.2025.

Academic achievements remain valid: Important changes for students decided

Study credits no longer expire and old credits are recognized again - an important decision for more flexibility in your studies!

Prof. Janiesch is awarded the Ranyard Medal

Best article in the Journal of Business Analytics 2022/2023

Best Student Paper for Stephanie Althoff and Jonas Grobe

Two students were honored at the 14th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling
Stephanie Althoff hat den Best Student Paper Award bei der RNDM 2024 in der Hand

WriteUp: ChatGPT - opportunities and risks

Prof. Christian Janiesch will highlight the opportunities and risks of ChatGPT in a short presentation on Wednesday, December 4 (10:00-11:30 a.m.).
Zeigt Menschen die einen Stift hochhalten

Computer Science and Ethics (Lecture Series Computer Science and Sustainability)

As part of the lecture series on computer science and sustainability, there will be a lecture on Wednesday, 11.12.24, 16:15, a lecture will take…
Das Bild zeigt eina  Waage

Open day was bigger than ever before

Numerous guests came to the Department of Computer Science on November 9 and were given an insight into the diversity of the Computer Science degree…

Dr.-Ing. Jan Eric Lenssen receives ECVA PhD Award 2024

Dr.-Ing. Jan Eric Lenssen has received the ECVA PhD Award 2024, endowed with 2,500 euros.
Dr.-Ing. Jan Eric Lenssen erhält ECVA PhD Award 2024

Lecture series "Computer science and sustainability"

This winter semester, the Department of Computer Science is offering a small lecture series on computer science and sustainability.
das Bild zeigt einen gemalten, grünen Stromstecker und ein Blatt

WriteUp: Writing with a system

New series of events at the Department of Information on writing final theses and seminar papers
Zeigt Menschen die einen Stift hochhalten

Successful taster university at TU Dortmund University inspires schoolgirls

From October 21 to 25, 2024, the 26th Student Taster University for Computer Science took place at the Department of Computer Science.

Welcome to the TU

200 prospective business IT specialists start their studies at the TU
Foto von Studierenden

Best Paper Award for Dortmund computer scientist at EMSOFT

Great success for two Dortmund scientists
Foto der Verleihung des EMSOFT-Best Paper Awards

Yun-Chih Chen honored with Best Paper Award

Great success for young scientists from Dortmund
Foto von Verleihung des Best Paper Awards

The Department of Computer Science is repositioning itself!

The start of the new semester also marks the handover of the baton in the Dean's Office of the Department of Computer Science.
Auf dem Bild stehen Prof. Dr. Gernot Fink und Herr Dr. Lukas Rehm vor einer grünen Wand

Newly founded Diversity Commission strengthens diversity and equal opportunities at the Department of Computer Science

The newly founded Diversity Commission of the Department of Computer Science has officially started its work.
Dieses Bild zeigt das Wort Respekt. Die Buchstaben werden von Menschen dargestellt

KION endowed professorship for Safe Autonomous Systems filled

Prof. Sebastian Peitz joins the Department of Computer Science for the winter semester
Prof. Sebastian Peitz (3.v.r.) erhält seine Ernennungsurkunde aus den Händen von Prof. Manfred Bayer (2.v.r.), Rektor der TU Dortmund, im Beisein von: (v.l.n.r.) Prof. Michael ten Hompel, Joachim Toedter, SD Technology & Innovation, KION Group, Prof. Gernot A. Fink, Dekan der Fakultät für Informatik, und Johannes Hinckeldeyn, Global Research Manager, KION Group.

Two events under the banner of artificial intelligence

On September 4 and 5, two events dealing with artificial intelligence (AI) will take place in Dortmund's Westfalenhallen

Introductory week (O phase) for first-year students

During the introductory week (O-Phase), experienced computer science students explain how the course works and what you need to bear in mind.

Most cited paper

Award for Prof. Janiesch and his co-authors

Registration for the writing week

The writing week will take place again at TU Dortmund University from August 19-23, 2024 (9-16).

Before the start of studies: Registration for preliminary courses

To prepare for studying at the Department of Computer Science, it is helpful to take part in the preliminary courses in Computer Science and…

ERCIS BPM Winter School 2025

January 20-25, 2025 in Seville. Registration until August 10, 2024 at the Chair of Enterprise Computing
ERCIS BPM Winter School

Registration for the specialist projects and proseminars in the winter semester 2024/25

From Monday, July 1, up to and including Sunday, July 7, the online registration procedure for the specialist projects and proseminars of the winter…


Places still available in the workshops of the Psychological Counseling Center Action Days from July 2 to 12, 2024

Exam preparation offers: short workshops in July

Registrations still possible for short workshops in July 2024

Laboratory of the future: AI goes on vacation

Hands-on artificial intelligence and machine learning for children in grades 5-7 during the summer vacations

Tutors wanted for teaching in winter semester 2024

We are looking for tutors for teaching in the summer semester 2024. The application process is now open. The application deadline is 17.01.2024

New Information Systems degree starts in winter semester 2024/25

The accreditation for the Bachelor's degree program in Information Systems at TU Dortmund University has been completed.
Studenten besprechen etwas

"Take off into your professional reality"

"Take off to your professional reality" - this was the motto of the REALITY job fair on 19.06.2024.
Das Bild zeigt das Logo von der RealityMesse

TU Dortmund University's Faculty of Computer Science awards a sustainability prize for the first time

The Faculty of Computer Science is offering the Sustainability Award for the first time in 2024. All members of the faculty can participate until…
Das Bild zeigt das Logo des NPI

Scholarship Day at the TU Dortmund University

What are the benefits of a scholarship? Which scholarship is right for me? These questions will be answered at the Scholarship Day on 10.6.24
Das Bild zeigt eine Glühbirne

Is my degree course right for me?

This question and possible courses of action will be addressed in the "Study Doubts" theme week in June 2024.

Digital avatar for BVB legend Dedê

The former full-back has had a photorealistic digital avatar made of himself at the Hybrid Learning Center (HyLeC)
zeigt den BVB-Spieler Dede

Information on the new Information Systems study program

We are set to start in the winter semester 2024/2025!

Meeting of the German operating systems community

GI Operating Systems Group Spring Meeting 2024 of SYS and BOSS TU Dortmund & Ruhr-Uni Bochum took place on March 14/15.
Mitglieder des Fachgruppentreffens in Bochum

Registration for the NEWSLETTER taster university for schoolgirls

26th Student Taster University at the Faculty of Computer Science - register now for the newsletter and don't miss a thing!

40th anniversary of service

Stefan Dissmann celebrates 40 years of service at TU Dortmund University

Best thesis

Maximilian Krebs receives prize for the best thesis in software engineering in the German-speaking world
Das Bild zeigt den Preisträger Maximilian Krebs

Orientation workshop for students in doubt - recognizing alternatives

Doubts about your studies? Many unanswered questions? What to do? Who to ask?
Lerngruppe Menschen sitzen am Tisch

Writing week 26.02.-01.03.2024, 9-16 h

The writing week offers support in writing final papers or project work in the form of short presentations and individual consultations.

20th Informatics Day NRW at TU Dortmund University

The annual nationwide networking and further training meeting of computer science teachers will take place on 18.03.2024 this time
Das Bild zeigt das Logo des Algorithm Engineering

Registration for the specialist projects and proseminars in the summer semester 2024

From Monday, January 15, up to and including Sunday, January 21, the online registration procedure for the specialist projects and proseminars of the…

[Translate to English:]

Offers for exam preparation

Registrations still possible for short workshops in January 2024
Schmuckbild - Mann läuft in Bibliothek mit Büchern auf dem Arm

New BMBF project on AI-as-a-Service (D-AI-Y) of the Chair of Enterprise Computing

Together with Ruhr-Universität Bochum and six practice partners, the Chair of Enterprise Computing is researching implementation patterns and business…

Tutors wanted for teaching in summer semester 2024

We are looking for tutors for teaching in the summer semester 2024. The application process is now open. The application deadline is 17.01.2024

Studierende sitzt am Arbeitsplatz und schaut auf den Laptop.

TU Dortmund University vacation

TU Dortmund University will be closed during the Christmas period and over the New Year.
Weihnachtsbaum mit roten Kugeln

BMBF funding of the Chair of Enterprise Computing for the project proDTM

The Chair of Enterprise Computing researches process patterns for data trust models funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Workshop "My Way-Your Chance

Scientist:in - how do I become one and what do I do then?

Gaining knowledge in virtual spaces

Researchers from Dortmund and Bonn are working together on an interdisciplinary basis in the state-funded "inVirtuo 4.0" project
Preisträger empfangen Förderbescheid

Great interest at the open day!

Numerous guests came to the Faculty of Computer Science on October 28 and gained insights into the diversity of the Computer Science degree program
ein Modell-Rennwagen

Best Paper Awards at SISAP and LWDA

The data mining group of Prof. Schubert has received three awards in one week
Auf dem Bild stehen die Gewinner der Awards - v. l. Erik Thordsen, Prof. Dr. Erich Schubert, Lars Lenssen, Niklas Strahmann

Prof. Jakob Rehof honored with international computer science award

In Paris, the computer scientist was awarded the "CAV Award 2023" for contributions in computer-aided verification.
Das Foto zeigt ein Bild von Prof. Jakob Rehof

Open Day at the TU Dortmund University

We are there!
Das Bild zeigt Modellautos

SPIRE'23 Best Paper Award

Jonas Ellert and Johannes Fischer receive the Best Paper Award for their paper "New Advances in Rightmost Lempel Ziv".
Zeigt die Gewinner des SPIRE'23 Best Paper Award

Distinguished Paper on IJCAI 2023

Prof. Jung receives Distinguished Paper Award for the paper "SAT-Based Learning of Description Logic Concepts".
Foto zeigt Prof. Jung

DaWaK Best Paper Award

Bin Li wins DaWaK Best Paper Award!
Bin Li bekommt den Best Paper Award überreicht

Dr.-Ing Matthias Fey receives GI Dissertation Award 2023

Dr.-Ing Matthias Fey receives the GI Dissertation Award 2023, which is endowed with 5,000 euros.
Das Bild zeigt ein Foto von Dr.-Ing Matthias Fey

Writing Week August 21-25, 2023

Writing week around writing final or project papers.
Studierende sitzt am Arbeitsplatz und schaut auf den Laptop.

Stability of Software Component Updates Improved Significantly

Our novel approach makes update decisions more stable and predictable allowing for better automation.
Logo von der ICSM 2023

ERCIS BPM Winter School 2024

15.01.-19.01.2024 in Liechtenstein. Registration until 31.07.2023
ERCIS BPM Winter School

Registration for the proseminars in WS 2023/2024

From 05.07.2023 to 12.07.2023 inclusive, the online registration procedure for the proseminars of the upcoming winter semester 2023/24 will take…
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Prof. Petra Wiederkehr elected as new Prorector Diversity

On June 16, 2023, Prof. Petra Wiederkehr was elected as Vice Rector for Diversity

New DFG project "Plausible reasoning and plausible knowledge revision in AI along two dimensions: Syntax Splitting and Kinematics"

DFG funds the project "Plausible reasoning and plausible knowledge revision in AI along two dimensions".
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Neues DFG-Projekt „Foundations of work-efficient constant-time parallel dynamic and static algorithms“

Die DFG fördert das Projekt "Foundations of work-efficient constant-time parallel dynamic and static algorithms" für drei Jahre.

SSRN Preprint on Generative AI

ChatGPT continues to dominate the headlines. Currently a new paper on Generative AI is available as a preprint

AI Keynote Series on AI in Management starts again

On 2023-04-20 it is time again for the AI keynote series on AI in management

Prof. Dr. Mario Botsch receives Teaching Award 2022

The TU Dortmund teaching award was presented to Prof. Dr. Mario Botsch, Chair of Computer Graphics, at the Annual Academic Celebration.
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First Professor at the Research Center Trustworthy Data Science

Prof. Dr. Neider has been appointed as the first professor of the Research Center Trustworthy Data Science at the Department of Computer Science.
[Translate to English:]

Department of Computer Science celebrates 50th anniversary.

The Department of Computer Science celebrated its 50th birthday on November 8 with a ceremony in the Goldsaal of the Westfalenhallen.